Defending Soybeans Like A Boss
The “Like A Boss” campaign helped raise awareness around the superiority of Bayer Traits’ soybean weed management system and the feeling it gave its growers. After the team created this campaign, it was largely on me to flesh it out.
We pivoted the System of Choice website to better align with our new campaign, came up with ads, produced direct mailers, wrote a radio spot and created our new TV spot.
Radio Script
Keeping your fields clean all season long, now that’s a boss move.
When it comes to weeds, we mean business — just like you. But you already knew that.
In choosing to use XtendFlex soybeans, you’ve ensured that your fields can reach their full potential because our XtendFlex technology enables you to control more weeds than any other soybean weed management program.
Learn more about the difference XtendFlex soybeans can make at Roundup Ready Xtend dot com. Read and follow pesticide label directions.
Social Media
It’s your business, and you expect results. So if you could control nearly double the amount of weeds your competitor could, why wouldn’t you?
Only #XtendFlexsoybeans enable you to control more weeds than any other soybean weed management program.* 🌱
Get a bonus that’s fit for the boss. Talk to your local dealer to learn all about our different traits and receive the priceless gift of not having to worry about pest pressure. You’ll thank us later.